Is it Time to Take the Leap?

Benefits Outweigh the Stress of Moving into Senior Living

Risks, whether big or small, can be frightening. Whether you’re traveling to a foreign country or learning to ski, unfamiliar experiences bring up feelings of anxiety, excitement, worry, stress, and hope. Have you noticed that, once you get past those initial fears, what was once scary is now easy and comfortable?

Making a major change in your living conditions, such as moving to a new home, ranks 28th out of 43 on the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory. It’s a pretty big risk. Moving into a senior living community can also cause stress as you deal with meeting new people (#14 on the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory), financial changes (#16 on the list), and changes in your residence (#32 on the list). But there are many positives about a move to senior living, like Quail Park of Lynnwood, which include:

  • A strong sense of community, which helps with feelings of isolation, safety, and health
  • A full range of care (independent, assisted, and memory care), which enables people to remain in their home and not require a move during a difficult time
  • Opportunities for exercise and fun, which allow people to stay strong, healthy, and social
  • Scheduled transportation, which provides mobility and freedom
  • No stairs to navigate, which minimizes the risk of falls

If you think about it, there are quite a few benefits to taking risks, such as unforeseen opportunities that arise, building confidence and developing new skills, developing a sense of pride and accomplishment, the opportunity to create change in your life, developing emotional resilience, and feeling more engaged and happier.

When it comes to senior living, how to you take that first step? It’s simple – schedule a visit. A visit to a community, such as Quail Park of Lynnwood, doesn’t mean that you’re ready for a move. What it does mean is that you’re educating yourself about new opportunities and lifestyles. You’re making a small step, and taking a small risk, which could lead to great reward. There’s really nothing to lose!

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