Lynnaea Lumbard: Creating the New Stories

Lynnaea Lumbard, PhD, is finding and sharing the new stories about aging, community, the environment and the planet that can support positive change. Using the patterns in how change occurs in nature and mythology, she gives us insights into how we can relate to these times of massive change.

Lynnaea is co-president of the New Stories organization where she works to name, amplify and disseminate new stories and practices for a life-affirming future.

Dr. Sally Fox is a coach, consultant, and speaker who interviews thought leaders and artists who are “Shaping the Stories that are Shaping the World” on her Vital Presence podcast. In these episodes for 3rd Act Magazine, Sally and her guests explore the new story about working creatively in the Third Act of life, showing how you can find purpose and pleasure working at any age. Check out more episodes from the Vital Presence podcast on iTunes or at


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